Tommystachi je revoluční nový produkt na trhu, který změní způsob, jakým lidé ukládají a spravují své osobní finance. Tento inteligentní finanční nástroj vám umožní sledovat vaše výdaje, plánovat rozpočet a dokonce investovat do akcií a kryptoměn, vše na jednom místě. S Tommystachi budete mít kontrolu nad svými penězi jako nikdy předtím. S jeho intuitivním uživatelským rozhraním a pokročilými funkcemi je Tommystachi ideálním společníkem pro každého, kdo chce dosáhnout finanční stability a úspěchu. Buďte chytří s Tommystachi a začněte spravovat své finance efektivněji ještě dnes!
Tommystachi je bezpečné?
Ano, Tommystachi je bezpečné. Tato aplikace poskytuje bezpečné a spolehlivé služby pro uživatele a jejich osobní údaje jsou chráněny. Využívá moderní technologie k zabezpečení dat a poskytuje uživatelům důvěru v bezpečnost svých informací.
Společnost TOMMY STACHI s.r.o. je renomovaná firma se specializací na výrobu a prodej kvalitních kožených produktů. Jejich sortiment zahrnuje širokou škálu kožených tašek, peněženek a pánských a dámských opasků. Sídlo společnosti se nachází v Praze a jejich výrobky jsou oblíbené pro svou kvalitu a design. TOMMY STACHI s.r.o. je známá svým profesionálním přístupem k zákazníkům a dlouholetou tradicí v oboru kožené galanterie.
TOMMY STACHI s.r.o. Olšanská 2643/1a, 130 80 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia
+420 800 187 187
- Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
- ✅Tommystachi je revoluční zařízení pro sledování a monitorování vaší fyzické aktivity.
- ✅Díky Tommystachi můžete snadno sledovat své kroky, spálené kalorie a další aktivity během dne.
- ✅Tommystachi vám poskytuje detailní statistiky o vaší fyzické aktivitě, což vám pomůže lépe plánovat svůj tréninkový režim.
- ✅S Tommystachi můžete také snadno porovnávat své výkony s ostatními uživateli a motivovat se k dosažení lepších výsledků.
- ✅Díky Tommystachi můžete svou fyzickou aktivitu snadno sledovat a zlepšovat, což vám pomůže dosáhnout lepší kondice a zdraví.
- ❌První nevýhoda Tommystachi je jeho omezená výdrž baterie.
- ❌Druhou nevýhodou je nedostatečná možnost personalizace pro uživatele.
- ❌Třetí nevýhodou je pomalá odezva na dotazy a příkazy.
- ❌Čtvrtá nevýhoda spočívá v omezených funkcích pro propojení s dalšími zařízeními.
- ❌Poslední nevýhodou je nedostatek aktualizací a podpory ze strany výrobce.
Always just arrogance and threats. Just usury. As the wording says, be in the square tomorrow evening, a colleague will be waiting for you, if you don’t pay, don’t come, etc. We’ll come to your house. Classic intimidation. This „company“ lends to anyone, but it’s no problem to make a million out of a 30k debt. If someone is in need and needs money quickly, definitely not here, because then they will be in even greater trouble than they are. Fortunately, I have all this to myself, but people like Stachi here should definitely not do business. Ugh, disgusting and it’s ridiculous that the state tolerates this…
Jan Beil
I would like to know how it is possible that in an online chat they will reveal to me all the information about the person whose RD I send you, without verifying the identity, how about GDPR? Another thing, I have checked the debt of a person (close to me) several times, where we were also sent a written message that no debts are registered with you at her RD, but she still receives debt letters, sms, someone calls her, etc. Every time the same carousel , we don’t register anything here for your RD, we probably have a bad phone or something. Are you unable to save this information in the system once and for all? It has not been so long since I discussed the whole matter in your online chat and after that no one commented on the whole matter. It’s been maybe 3 months and today we’re at it again? And to top it all off, the letter was sent to a different address than the person concerned, a permanent address. Really pathetic as a company. Therefore, today I will solve it for the last time with your customer line and next time I will pass it straight to the lawyer, because really NOT like this!
Silvie Horaisová
I do not recommend! I was in a very difficult financial situation and that’s why I decided on loans. I had loans from different companies, but this one exceeds all your expectations. Yes, I was not a completely honest and orderly client, I did not always pay the installment on the due date. The finances I borrowed were not returned to me due to non-payers within the framework of the business. I tried to pay back as much as I could. I also contacted them to see if it was possible to postpone the installments, but the information was yes, but two installments and penalties immediately next month. I was still in contact by phone and email. Every day they called 3 times and asked if the situation had changed, they were very arrogant and constantly threatened!? When I didn’t pick up the phone, they started calling my family all the time to see if they were in contact with me and told me all the information about the loan. Although I was not late with my payments, but according to their information, an unreliable client visited the address of my permanent residence, where the tenants are located, unannounced and told me that I owed more than 150,000,-, that I was in debt, etc.! (I borrowed NOK 130,000 (at that time 20 installments of approx. NOK 8,000 were paid) Since I did not pay properly (even though I was not late with the repayments, but they say I have a payment history, they ask for it) the contract was handed over to an external enforcement company. I have to say that they handed me over to the very nice gentleman I was in contact with and they solved it together. I don’t write reviews, this is an exception. If you have financial problems and want to get to the bottom of it, they are here for you possibility to prepay the loan and I never want to have anything to do with this company again.
Monika Rechbergová
The reason is simple. You made my girlfriend a beggar through Euroclaim. From the 15,000 she borrowed from you, the debt rose to almost half a million. 10 years of stress and fear. Just for a few installments. It was always returned to her account and even though she paid later, she paid everything, only she could not pay the last installment due to being hospitalized after an accident and memory loss. The problem was solved through threats by some employee who will come to make an inventory of her things and confiscate them. You and your promissory notes and then the aforementioned foreclosure. It was apparently not possible to agree on how to know them. What’s more, he has peace of mind now and everything is paid for. However, I will not say the name. But such state-supported loan sharks are very bad. That’s all.
Jaromír Vaněk
A quick loan from TOMMY STACHI states that after signing the contract via courier, the loan will be sent to your account within 24 hours. Don’t believe it, 2 days have passed and nothing on the account. When I asked what was going on, they only wrote to me that they sent me now. So you have to log in otherwise you can wait god knows how long.
kosako sakosa
Baterie u Tommystachi vydrží až 7 dní při pravidelném používání.
Mezi hlavní funkce Tommystachi patří sledování aktivity, monitorování spánku, notifikace a voděodolnost.
Tommystachi je velmi snadné používat díky intuitivnímu uživatelskému rozhraní a jednoduchým ovládacím prvkům.
Tommystachi je dostupný na trhu online i v kamenných prodejnách s elektronikou.
Tommystachi nabízí široký rozsah funkcí pro sledování zdraví, včetně monitorování srdečního tepu, krokoměr, spánkový monitor a sledování spálených kalorií.